Linkedin Job searches Linkedin Sales Navigator searches . How To Export a Linkedin Recruiter Search? To export a Linkedin Recruiter search you can use the Linkedin Recruiter Search Export Phantom. export linkedin recruiter search Copy and paste the Linkedin Recruiter search URL and your Linkedin cookies then Phantombuster will do the job.
How to export a linkedin recruiter search seo expate bd It works exactly like the classic Linkedin search export. Here is the data you will get: First name Last name Job Title Job Experiences Education Skills data export linkedin recruiter search If you want more data on these candidates you will need to complete your export with the Linkedin Recruiter Profile Scraper Phantom.
Export linkedin recruiter profile . How To Export a Linkedin Job search? If you want to export a LinkedIn job search to Excel, you can use Phantombuster’s Linkedin Search Export Phantom. export linkedin job search results Copy and paste the Linkedin Job search URL and your Linkedin cookies then Phantombuster will do the job.